福音的认知挑战/作者-范泰尔[1] The Intellectual Challenge of the Gospel by Cornelius Van Til
【保罗面对异教信徒】他并没有要求在异教偶像旁边设立独一真神的祭坛,他要求的、同时也是他的主要求的,是罪人在生命的每个领域的全面逆转。他们对生命解读的整个架构必须推倒,许多原本结构的元素可以被使用,但只有在保罗教导的全新体系之下才有意义。【参见徒17:16-34, 林前2:6-16】
In short, he did not ask for the privilege of erecting an altar to the living God, Creator of heaven and earth, next to the altars to gods that have been born of human minds. He pleaded for, and in the name of his Lord required of men, a complete reversal of their point of view in every dimension of life. The entire house of their interpretation of life had to be broken down. Many of the building blocks that they had gathered could no doubt be used, but only if the totally new architectural plan that Paul proposed were followed.
人类存在的每个领域,都有神作为万有的创造者和审判者与人的交锋。神的见证不是“某个神”存在、不是神“可能”存在,如果是这样的话,那罪人不知道神就有借口。保罗宣告的是,所有人在心底里都知道他是神的被造物、并且向神犯罪。【参见罗1:18-32, 徒14:14-17, 17:24-31】
There is no area of impersonal relationships where the face of God the Creator and Judge does not confront man. It is not as though the evidence shows that a god exists or that God probably exists. If such were the case then there would be some excuse for man if he did not bow before his Maker. Paul makes bold to claim that all men know deep down in their hearts that they are creatures of God and have sinned against God their Creator and their Judge.
The Protestant replies pointedly that the God of Aristotle is not the God of Christianity. The God of Aristotle did not create the world, knows nothing of the world, knows nothing of himself. He is not a person, let alone the triune God of Christianity. Aristotle’s God is an It.
The immanence of the pantheist spells identity between man and God, while the transcendence of the deist spells separation of man from God.
The moral of all this for Protestants should surely be to challenge the wisdom of the world in every dimension. If it is not challenged in every dimension, it cannot be effectively challenged in any one dimension.
He who recognizes God as his Creator should therefore use his God-given powers of intellectual or logical manipulation, not for the purpose of legislating about abstract possibility and impossibility, but for the purpose of ordering as best he can the revelational material in which he lives, moves and has his being.
There is nothing surprising in the fact that modern man is both utterly irrationalist and utterly rationalist at the same time.
The root of both irrationalism and rationalism is the idea of the ultimacy of man. If this root is not taken out, it will do little good to trim off some of the wildest offshoots of irrationalism with the help of rationalism, or to trim off some of the wildest offshoots of rationalism with the help of irrationalism.
Natural revelation was from the outset of history accompanied and supplemented by supernatural revelation. The two were involved in one another; they were supplemental to one another. They are unintelligible the one without the other.
[1] 本文对此书内容的引用为作者自译。